Structural Engineering Reports


Hibbs Inspections and Pest Control is a regional leader in structural assessments of residential properties. Working with the best home inspectors, we provide engineering reports on the condition of the house structure. These reports are essential to fully understanding the structural stability of your home. .

Home Buyers

Enlisting the services of a certified home inspector is your path to structural understanding.

Real Estate Agents

Guide your clients through the home-buying process by sharing with them the benefits of Structural Assessments.

What is a Structural Assessment?

A Structural Assessment is a high-level structural evaluation of a residential property typically done as an add-on to a routine home inspection. In addition to a visual assessment of the house structure, the home inspector will also collect a variety of measurements and structural data.

The findings from the Structural Assessment are provided in a structural engineering report and discusses the structural condition of the property. This report speaks to the severity of the structural issues and offers recommendations for repairs. This report can be used by buyers in negotiations with sellers when discussing the corrections needed to the property. Sellers who get this inspection can share the report with potential buyers, both when the house is determined to be sound, and in cases where there is a condition which benefits from an engineering explanation. When no defects are identified, the report is a useful document to keep as proof of a sound house structure.

The Structural Assessment should be standard for every house purchase. By combining the skill of an certified home inspector and a technical review by a structural engineer you have the best chance to identify residential structural issues.

What is a Structural Assessment?

A Structural Assessment is a structural engineering evaluation of a residential property. Structural observations and structural data that is collected by a certified home inspector during a routine home inspection is reviewed by a licensed professional engineer. The findings from this inspection are included in a structural engineering report which discusses the structural condition of the home, and provides recommendations for repair, if needed. The Structural Assessment far exceeds the level of structural understanding that is found during a routine home inspection